Board Member Passing
Posted on September 2, 2021
Former Director and Board Member Wayne Allen passed away peacefully at the age of 54 on Thursday August 26th, 2021.
Springwater Sports Heritage was very sad to learn of Wayne’s passing. Like the broader community Sports Heritage instantly recognized this was not just an overwhelming loss to Wayne’s family and friends but also to the countless and diverse segments of the community that he commendably and benevolently supported.
During 2016 Wayne served as a Director on the Sports Heritage Board but during 2017, for personal reasons, found it necessary to step away and focus on his numerous other responsibilities and undertakings. During his tenure with Springwater Sports Heritage Wayne’s highly regarded and extensive community and sporting experience significantly aided the Board during its early years of growth and development.
In addition to his Board responsibilities, with his valuable knowledge and leadership expertise, Wayne assumed and successfully undertook the Chairpersonship of the “Facilities and Displays Committee”. It's important to note that Wayne successfully coordinated, with the Inductees’ Board Member, the design, development and purchased of the now coveted “Alumni Pin”. To Wayne’s credit this Alumni Pin is now worn with distinction and recognition by the Springwater Sports Heritage Hall of Fame Inductees.
For a greater appreciation of Wayne’s community achievements and contributions Springwater Sports Heritage encourages you to read his extensive accomplishments documented on the Lynn Stone Funeral Home website.
May Wayne’s family, colleagues and friends appreciate the joy and wisdom he has shared with so many.