2021 Induction Confirmed
Posted on February 27, 2021

2021 Induction Proceeds
At its February 17th Board Meeting the Springwater Sports Heritage Board approved an extension of the 2021 Inductee Nominations deadline from March 31, 2021 to April 30, 2021. Following the closure of the nominations on April 30th the Board will proceed to determine the 2021 Springwater Sports Heritage Hall of Fame Inductees. Once the selection process is completed the formal announcements will be prepared and released to the media. The usual promotional material will be developed and distributed including the addition of the Inductees’ relevant and valued information being added to the website. It’s expected each of the steps will take place, as they normally would, but for the actual Induction Ceremony. The Board recognizes and strongly supports the value of hosting an exceptional celebratory Induction Ceremony that recognizes and honours the extraordinary achievements of the Inductees. To ensure the desired celebration can safely and successfully take place, the Board will delay the Induction Ceremony until the danger of Covid-19 has diminished to a safe and acceptable level.
Updates will be provided as more is known.