Doug Barnes
Doug, in his 70th year, passed away peacefully at home on Tuesday, April 23, 2019.
2014 Inductee, 1977 Elmvale Merchants Men's Fastball Championship Team
Springwater Sports Heritage grieves the loss of another commendable Inductee. With sadness we received the news that he had passed away. As a keen and enthusiastic baseball player Doug had a lengthy and successful baseball career playing on numerous Elmvale teams as a catcher and outfielder. In 1977 his contributions in the outfield aided the 1977 Elmvale Merchants Men's Fastball Team in attaining their Provincial Championship. Springwater Sports Heritage is very pleased that Doug was inducted into its Hall of Fame at the 2014 Inaugural Induction Ceremony along with his teammates of the 1977 Elmvale Merchants Men's Fastball Championship Team.