Michelle Simpson-Leigh (athlete)
Induction Award:
Michelle is a National Figure Skating Medallist. She was selected by Skate Canada to join their Elite Skaters Development Program. Michelle completed all of the Gold Level Figures, Competitive Free Skate and Dance Tests in Canada and United States. She was an Ontario Scholar and excelled in other sports: Regional Basketball, Volleyball and Track Champion and a five time Boston Marathoner
Member Details:
Category: Athlete
Year of Induction: 2014
Sport(s): Figure Skating
Nominator: Kari Simpson-Adams
Date/Place of Birth: April 17, 1963, Penetang, ON
Raised in: Elmvale, ON
Joined Elmvale Figure Skating Club ...more highlights
Michelle became the first Elmvale Skating Club competitor to successfully compete beyond the Annual Club Competition. ...more narrative
- "Keep up the good work Michelle and I am positive you are to become one of the great skaters of the future." Mrs. Peggy Dove 1974, Performing Arts Instructor
- "Folks here in Elmvale are mighty proud of Michelle and we wish her continued success in her skating. " Elmvale Lance, 1975
Springwater Sports Heritage would like to express its appreciation for the contributions made by Michelle and her sister Kari Simpson-Adams.