2016 Induction Media Release
Posted on October 23, 2015

2016 Hall of Fame Nominations
Following the tremendous success of the Inaugural 2014 Springwater Sports Heritage Hall of Fame Induction many individuals and associations expressed their desire to nominate an Athlete, Builder or Team. The next opportunity for Nominators to participate in this ongoing biennial event is now being launched.
Springwater Sports Heritage is pleased to announce the commencement of the 2016 Hall of Fame Induction activity. The 2016 Induction Guidelines, Nomination Form and Nomination Supporting Material, with answers to potential questions, will be available on the Springwater Sports Heritage website (www.springwatersportsheritage.ca) in early November.
“With Township of Springwater’s multitude of successful sporting achievements we are looking forward to receiving numerous and deserving nominations” said Induction Committee Chairperson, Darrin Robertson “We are confidently optimistic potential Nominators will consider submitting their Nominee(s)”.
The deadline for receiving Nominations is May 2, 2016. We encourage those interested to review the above documents on our website and commence building your valued submission.
Visit the website on a regular basis for any potential updates.